Wailua Falls Kauai Directions
These beautiful falls on Kauai were made famous by the TV show “Fantasy Island” and they are worth a trip to see. Unfortunately, you are not able to view them straight on, the parking and viewing area is to the south of the falls and you have to look over a railing and see them from an angle. But they are lovely and impressive even more than what you can see on your plasma TV. To reach them, take Hwy 56 to Hanama’ulu to Hwy 583 (Ma’alo Road). Follow this road about 6 miles to the end.
Best Waterfall Hikes in Kauai
Hanakapi’ai Falls

To see these amazing falls, you have to go to considerable effort. You must hike in along Kauai’s NaPali Coast, and it’s an eight mile round trip. But both the falls and the view along the way are well worth the effort if you are up to the hikes in kauai. Take Hwy 56 north all the way to the end, at Ke’e Beach. There you will find the head of the Kalalau Trail which leads you on a two miles hike to Hanakapi’ai Stream (and the secluded but often dangerous beach). From there you must cross the stream and hike another two miles into the valley toward the falls. Make sure you take LOTS of water for this strenuous 6 hour hike.
Opaekaa Falls

Used in the movie “Blue Hawaii”, you can see these lovely falls from a distance at the viewing area just off Kuamo’o Road. On the other side of the road you can view the Wailua River.
Take Hwy 56 to Hwy 580 (Kuamo’o) and turn toward the mountains. Drive a mile or two to the parking area where you can see the water fall.
Secret Falls Kauai
If you are really up for an adventure, consider making the trek to Secret Falls. It requires both a paddle and a hike, at least 2 hours each way.
Start by launching your kayak at Wailua River State Park and paddling up river until you reach a fork. Stay to the right and continue to the end (about an hour’s paddle). Take your kayak out of the river, and locate the trail head on the left across the river. The hike to the waterfall is also about an hour. Kauai waterfalls Maps and Directions are available at equipment rental companies.
Other Falls
There are many other beautiful waterfalls on Kauai, several little falls off the side of the road, that you can see simply by paying attention. Keep a lookout (safely!) as you drive over the Kalihiwai Bridge on your way to Hanalei. There are falls just before the bridge as well as makau (toward the mountains) as you cross the bridge.